

It's Really All About Light

Well it’s been a while since I updated the website, but better late than never. Feeling reenergized about my photography after a fairly long hiatus, particularly from the rigamarole of trying to scrap together constant social media content. Ultimately, I’m feeling stronger in my in-the-field competence and handle on post-processing and it’s resulting in some of the best images I’ve ever produced. One thing that has really become clear is that there is no substitute for good light - everything in making a good photograph really all comes down to whether there was good light out in the environment. Good editing can make up for mediocre light to an extent, but to make a truly masterful image requires the good light - and to capture it all at the right times - in the field. Some new work really illustrates this fact: clear separation between portfolio images (good light) versus decent images that have potential but still fall a bit short (less than excellent light). Perhaps this is an obvious point, but the underpinning of creativity is self-discovery.

Griffin Barnett